Muzammil Hussain

Muzammil Hussain


Muzammil Hussain is an Indian artist based in Groningen, the Netherlands. His work is an encapsulation of the process which stems from his conscious and unconscious curiosities. The artist sees these as a bowl of feeling being transmitted to the pigmented matter, which gets shaped into either complete abstractions without a pictorial reference or storytelling through conscious choice of figurative elements. The artist juxtaposes unexpected elements of colors and figuration in order to see their relation and what they could communicate.



Muzammil Hussain graduated from ArtEZ in 2021 and completed his MFA at the Frank Mohr Institute. Recently in 2022, he received the Buning Brongers Prijzen, a biennial Dutch art prize for young painters.

穆扎米尔·侯赛因于2021年毕业于荷兰ArtEZ艺术学院,并在弗兰克莫尔学院完成了他的MFA学位。在最近的2022年,他获得了Buning Brongers Prijzen奖,这是荷兰每两年颁发给年轻画家的重要艺术奖项之一。

Words from the curator

The notion of perception, reality, shame and intimacy has always interested Muzammil Hussain. Recently, the artist is investigating the element of intention in the act of creation and its importance, as well as how it plays with his own conscious psyche. Hussain's fascination in human psychology, history, mythology and theology inspires him to investigate the complexities of human nature. The figurative narratives create an open sketch of thoughts and melancholy memories.


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