We empower the artists,
connect the continents,
and bring you the best curated art.


About Curated By


Curated By is a contemporary art platform that showcases the works of emerging artists from both China and abroad. Founded in Amsterdam in 2022, our mission is to create a vibrant community of art collectors and break down barriers in communication and exchange between Eastern and Western art markets.

At Curated By, we believe that art is a language that can transcend borders and cultural differences. To this end, we have built a transparent, open, and accessible bilingual online platform that enables art enthusiasts and collectors to easily view and purchase works from mid-career and emerging artists from around the world.

We respect the unique stories and creative concepts of each artist, and encourage them to express their ideas freely on our platform. By fostering collaboration and exchange among artists and collectors from different countries and regions, we aim to bring greater diversity to the contemporary art world.

In a rapidly changing world, we firmly believe that art is eternal and should not be reserved for a select few. As such, the Curated By team provides professional services and online courses to both local and international collectors, to help them make informed decisions when it comes to collecting art. We are dedicated to serving future collectors by providing them with high-quality and reasonably priced art and limited edition prints, and a transparent and convenient collecting experience.

Curated By 是一个展示中外潜力艺术家作品的当代艺术平台,于2022年成立于阿姆斯特丹。我们致力于搭建一个充满活力的藏家社区,打破中西艺术交流和沟通的障碍。

在Curated By,我们相信艺术是一种语言,能够跨越国界和文化差异。我们打造了一个透明化、开放、无障碍的双语线上平台,让艺术爱好者和藏家可以轻松地欣赏和购买来自世界各地的、职业中期及上升期艺术家的作品。

Curated By 尊重每个艺术家独特的故事和创作理念,因此,我们鼓励艺术家在这一平台自由地表达创作理念,并更多与其他国家及地区的艺术家和藏家相互交流及合作,从而为当代艺术世界带来更加多元化的创作。

在不断发展的世界中,我们坚信艺术是永恒的,而艺术不应该仅仅属于少数人群。因此,Curated By的团队为海内外的藏家提供专业服务和普及艺术市场的线上课程,从而作出更加明智的收藏决策。我们专注于服务未来的藏家,为他们提供价格合理、质量优异的艺术品和限量版画作品,和透明便捷的收藏体验。

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We believe in art


Curated By is a contemporary art platform that showcases the works of emerging artists from both China and abroad. Founded in Amsterdam in 2022, our mission is to create a vibrant community of art collectors and break down barriers in communication and exchange between Eastern and Western art markets.

At Curated By, we believe that art is a language that can transcend borders and cultural differences. To this end, we have built a transparent, open, and accessible bilingual online platform that enables art enthusiasts and collectors to easily view and purchase works from mid-career and emerging artists from around the world.

We respect the unique stories and creative concepts of each artist, and encourage them to express their ideas freely on our platform. By fostering collaboration and exchange among artists and collectors from different countries and regions, we aim to bring greater diversity to the contemporary art world.

In a rapidly changing world, we firmly believe that art is eternal and should not be reserved for a select few. As such, the Curated By team provides professional services and online courses to both local and international collectors, to help them make informed decisions when it comes to collecting art. We are dedicated to serving future collectors by providing them with high-quality and reasonably priced art and limited edition prints, and a transparent and convenient collecting experience.

Curated By 是一个展示中外潜力艺术家作品的当代艺术平台,于2022年成立于阿姆斯特丹。我们致力于搭建一个充满活力的藏家社区,打破中西艺术交流和沟通的障碍。

在Curated By,我们相信艺术是一种语言,能够跨越国界和文化差异。我们打造了一个透明化、开放、无障碍的双语线上平台,让艺术爱好者和藏家可以轻松地欣赏和购买来自世界各地的、职业中期及上升期艺术家的作品。

Curated By 尊重每个艺术家独特的故事和创作理念,因此,我们鼓励艺术家在这一平台自由地表达创作理念,并更多与其他国家及地区的艺术家和藏家相互交流及合作,从而为当代艺术世界带来更加多元化的创作。

在不断发展的世界中,我们坚信艺术是永恒的,而艺术不应该仅仅属于少数人群。因此,Curated By的团队为海内外的藏家提供专业服务和普及艺术市场的线上课程,从而作出更加明智的收藏决策。我们专注于服务未来的藏家,为他们提供价格合理、质量优异的艺术品和限量版画作品,和透明便捷的收藏体验。

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